Sunday, October 23, 2011


Had a second interview at Best Buy this afternoon.  A very repetitive process, because she had me fill out a paper copy of the application that I'd already filled out online and asked me the same questions that I was asked during the phone interview.

On Thursday I meet with the GM for the third interview.  I was asked to bring a void cheque or banking information so that if the third interview was successful they'd just get all the paperwork done right then.

So far, so good, I guess.

Guess I'll find out next Thursday if I have a part-time job.

I realized while I was there though, that all the employees are wearing beige/tan pants.  I don't own any beige/tan pants that I can currently wear.  So, in an attempt to be proactive or an act of positivity, I went and purchased a pair of pants that I think will fit the bill.  Hopefully I'll need to use them soon.  It's not like I won't use them anyway, but I wouldn't have bought them if I didn't have this particular use in mind.

Employments tends to cost money.  It sucks.

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