Monday, August 29, 2011

Trying something new

I want to blog.  Really I do.  But often I find that while I want to write, I don't really have anything worth spending the time writing, or that anyone would likely spend the time writing.  And I acknowledge that I am not actually writing for anyone but myself, but it seems so silly to do something publicly if it's not something that deserves to be public.

Anyway, I'm trying to plan ways to make myself a more fulfilled blogger.  I like words, and I like to use words to express myself.  I just need a topic on which to expand.  And so, that brings me to my something new.

I want to plan a theme (for lack of a better word) for each day of the week.  I may never share what the pattern is, and it may never seem obvious to anyone but me, but that doesn't really matter.  It's really just meant to act as a prompt for me; to give me a reason or an excuse to write something.  Anything.  For example, I'm labelling today (though not necessarily every Monday) Motivational Monday, because this post is about motivating myself.

See what I'm doing there?  It may work, if I can come up with the right particular framing for each day of the week.  Part of the issue is, as always, giving myself permission to stop whatever I happen to be doing at any time and make notes on something I may want to write about later.  There are a multitude of things that go through my head in a day, that I could write about, but by the time I get to writing they seem mostly all just wisps of thought.

Hopefully, this will be a way to keep myself more aware of what goes on in and around my life.  I need to be more observant, more aware, more mindful of my life. It seems so much of it just passes me by.  The point of the blog is to at least try to capture some of these moments, or thoughts before they're gone.  Kind of like capturing lightning bugs in a jar.

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