Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Thoughts of a day

Having recently suffered a significant loss in my life, I can't comprehend the people who find it necessary to post annually on the anniversary of a loss about how much they still miss that person.  It seems unnecessary as your grief and loss are your own.  Are they really just looking for further sympathy to carry them through.   Do they feel as if people have forgotten them, and their loved one, and so they need to bring it forward again?  Because the majority of people probably have their own loss to deal with, and in some cases, it may not be a happy reminder for them.

I guess my other thought is - why does everything have to become a social media event, or even post?  The majority of the time it feels like something that should be personal, kept among people you actually know, physically, in the real world.  Most of your most intimate thoughts do not need to be put out into the entire social media universe where they'll live forever.

I guess I'm just not like everyone else.  I prefer to keep my thoughts and my feelings on a much smaller scale.  To play it close to the vest, so to speak, because in this world of social media, your thoughts and your feelings are really the only thing that isn't out there for everyone to see.  Unless you put them there.

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