To start at the beginning, I never had to read The Great Gatsby in school. I'm not sure how I missed it, or it me, whichever, but somehow it was never required reading in my English classes. So, a few years ago, I decided to try to catch up on all those books that somehow I managed to avoid in school, Gatsby obviously being on that list. Considering the general reception the novel is greeted with, I understandably had expectations. I don't think that I've ever heard anyone say anything against it, never mind finding someone who didn't like it. That, it seemed, would be almost like heresy.
As I read though, I became more and more frustrated. Nothing about the characters made me like any of them. And the language made them all so ... I don't know, pretentious? I understand that there is a point to that impression, but I felt at least the narrator should have gotten some favourable impression from me. Thankfully, the book is short, and I finished it with relief, becoming the only person I know who could say they honestly disliked it. I felt it was a waste of my time having read it, except to be able to say that I had. Even with a fluffy romance novel, I end up with a feeling of having enjoyed it, even if I don't take anything meaningful away from the experience. I couldn't say that for Gatsby. I was actually so disappointed, that I struck F. Scott Fitzgerald from the list of authors that I ever wanted to read.
Flash forward about a year, when I learn that Leonardo DiCaprio is starring in an adaptation of the book. I enjoy Leo - I have since his first appearance on Growing Pains, with only a minor pause during the Titanic trend. (I liked the movie, but not the hype and freakishness that went with it.) Anyway, I believe I probably audibly groaned when I found out about the Gatsby movie, knowing that I'd have to see it, considering the star. I guess my only hope was that I might get a little more something out of the story than I had initially.

I have started re-reading the novel now, while the film images are still fresh in my mind, because I hope to be able to take something more from it than I did the first time. But I do need to applaud Baz Luhrmann for the interpretation/adaptation that has created an appreciation of this story in me. And for casting Leo in it because with another actor, I may not have made the effort of seeing it. He will likely always be the image of Jay Gatsby that I see.
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