Another year is coming to a close. And I once again, have not kept up with the blogging. Did I post even once this year? Other than posting random musical content that is. I doubt it. I'm not even go to check. Instead I'm going to focus on a minimal update and what I hope to accomplish in the new year.
What to say about this year. It's been incredibly depressing in the loss of celebrity life. Just in the last two weeks, we've lost George Michael, Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds. Then add to that Prince, David Bowie, Alan Rickman, Alan Thicke. So many that I can't even list them all. Something like 110 celebrity or entertainment related deaths this year. It's crazy. So, for that reason it's good that 2016 is coming to a close. And hopefully 2017 won't follow the same path.
Personally, on the topic of loss, my Shea passed away in October, and it's been harder to deal with than I expected. I've lost other pets previously, but this was just different somehow. I guess probably because I've never lived outside of my parents home without her. And now I have to. The goal is to get another kitty-baby, but we need to do some renovations on my place before that can happen, so I'm waiting.
I've settled in at my new job, though as an organization we've been going through some pretty major transition which is due to change again starting Tuesday. I've been working part time again for the Christmas season, and with the part-time job and the full-time job and the going to the gym I'm pretty close to burning out, so while I enjoy the part-time position, I'm glad that it will be coming to an end. I need proper rest, and to stop stressing myself out.
Otherwise life has been just life. There are parental health concerns, and general other issues, but I can't control any of that, so I need to just go with the flow, and let it go.
Which basically leads to figuring out my goals for the upcoming year.
1) Stop living in my head - stop overthinking and over analyzing everything. Just let life happen as it does, and enjoy the moments, but don't obsess over them.
2) Eat better, take better care of myself.
3) Read more consistently. - I found this year that I was trying to cram in the books that I needed to finish my (decreased) goal. I need to plan better so that I don't get that far behind again this year.
4) Write more. Blogging or storytelling. It doesn't matter. Just do it. More often. More consistently.
5) Be more organized. Tidy up after myself. Purge things that I don't need anymore. Stop being a hoarder.
6) Be more financially responsible.
All of these things are actually related to making myself feel better. I spend money on things I don't need and eat things that I shouldn't eat when I'm stressed and then I don't feel like doing anything productive because I'm thinking of myself as such a slacker, so what's the point? It's really a big endless cycle. Concentrate on all those things individuallly and they should all work themselves out. And it should work out to me being less moody, and more positive.
I'm down with giving it a try anyway. That's the goal for this year. End on a happier, healthier, more productive note. Not too tall an order, is it?